Save Money Moving Long Distance With GCVL
Save money moving long distance with our money saving suggestions:
Downsize the size of your shipment – When you move long distance, you pay by the pound, so the less weight you ship, the cheaper your moving costs
You can downsize your shipment a number of ways:
- Sell some of your furniture, especially items you may not be that attached to, Craigslist or Kijijji are great sites to sell items and there is no charge for listing your goods
- Donate any items that you may not want to charities such as Big Brother and the Salvation Army
- Friends and Family – theses are great sources to give your plants, food and perishable items to and who knows they may even want some of your furniture
Downsizing your load prior to your moving date, results in cost savings to you so get on it and get downsizing!
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