12 Items You Should Always Pack Yourself When Using a Moving Company

Moving can be an overwhelming experience, but packing certain items yourself can help ensure a smoother transition. While a moving company handles most of your belongings, some items are best kept under your own supervision. Here’s a list of essential things you should always pack yourself to make your move as stress-free as possible.

1. Personal Documents and Records

Important documents like passports, birth certificates, and medical records should always stay with you. Keeping them close ensures they won’t get lost or damaged during the move. Medical records and other vital paperwork are essential not just for identification but for accessing services in your new location. Additionally, property deeds, lease agreements, and other important contracts should be kept in a secure but accessible location. Consider using a locked file box or a separate folder that you can easily carry with you. For added convenience, make digital copies of important documents as a backup in case any get misplaced during the move. Safeguarding your personal documents ensures that you can settle into your new home with ease.

2. Valuable Jewelry

Jewelry, especially items with sentimental or monetary value, should be kept on your person. This mitigates the risk of theft or loss during the moving process. Whether it’s a family heirloom or an expensive watch, the value of these items goes beyond their price tag. They’re often irreplaceable, making it crucial to supervise their handling yourself. A good tip is to keep them in a small, locked box or pouch that you can carry with you at all times. If you have multiple valuable pieces, consider wearing them or distributing them among the family members who are moving. This not only minimizes the risk of loss but also provides peace of mind throughout the busy moving day. Learn more about how to properly handle and pack valuable items and collectibles by consulting professional moving resources.

3. Essential Electronics

Laptops, tablets, and smartphones contain crucial data and are sensitive to damage. Pack these items yourself to ensure they are transported safely. Many of us rely heavily on these gadgets for work, communication, and entertainment. Losing or damaging any of them could disrupt your daily life significantly. Make sure to back up data before the move, and use padded cases or secure boxes to offer extra protection from bumps and jostles. For added safety, keep these electronics with you in your vehicle rather than loading them onto the moving truck.

Electronic devices that are essential for your work or studies, such as computers and external hard drives, are particularly important to keep close. Consider packing these items in a specially designed moving case for electronics to provide added protection. Label each case clearly and make a checklist to ensure nothing gets left behind. By taking these precautions, you ensure your essential electronics arrive safely and are operational from day one in your new home.

4. Daily Medications

Your daily medications are essential for your health. Keep them within reach to avoid any interruptions in your routine. It’s also a good idea to pack a first-aid kit, complete with antiseptic wipes and bandages, to handle minor injuries that might occur during the move. Make sure you pack at least a week’s worth of any prescription medications to cover any delays in getting settled and finding a new pharmacy.

5. Costly Collectibles

If you have valuable collectibles like rare coins or stamps, it’s best to pack these yourself. Their uniqueness and value mean you’ll want to keep a close eye on them. These items often require special handling and specific packaging to ensure they remain in pristine condition during the move. Consider using specialized boxes or wraps and clearly label each package to avoid mishandling. By supervising the packing and moving of these treasures, you ensure they remain a cherished part of your collection.

6. Personal Keepsakes

Items like family heirlooms, photo albums, and children’s artwork have irreplaceable sentimental value. Ensure these are packed safely by handling them yourself. You may want to use bubble wrap or padded envelopes for fragile keepsakes and place them in a durable, clearly labeled box. Not only does this protect them from potential damage, but it also ensures you’ll have easy access to them when you’re ready to set up your new home. Handling these items yourself allows you to carefully pack each one with the attention they deserve.

7. Immediate Need Items

Pack a small bag with items you’ll need immediately upon arrival, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and basic kitchen supplies. This will make your first day in your new home much easier. Including a few rolls of toilet paper, some paper towels, and a basic first-aid kit can also be a lifesaver. By having these essentials ready and accessible, you can settle into your new space without the added stress of searching through boxes for vital items.

Don’t forget necessities like chargers for your electronics, a flashlight or headlamp, and basic cookware for preparing meals. Bringing along a few snacks and bottled water can also help keep your energy up throughout the first moving day. By being prepared with these immediate need items, you avoid unnecessary frustration and make the transition smoother for yourself and any family members involved.

Important work-related items like business files, work laptops, and other critical materials should stay with you to prevent any disruption in your professional life. Losing these items could result in significant delays and complications at work. Keep them organized in a sturdy, waterproof case and label them clearly. If possible, inform your movers that these are not to be packed with the rest of your items. By keeping these essential work items within reach, you ensure a seamless transition without affecting your professional responsibilities.

9. Pet Supplies

Your pets will need their essentials like food, bowls, and favorite toys during the move. Keeping these items with you ensures they are comfortable throughout the transition. Plan ahead by setting aside adequate food and water for the journey, along with any medications your pet may need. Having their favorite toys or blankets can help calm their nerves and provide a sense of familiarity in the new environment. Ensuring your pets have their essentials at hand will make the move less stressful for everyone involved.

10. Gardening Tools

Some gardening tools have sharp edges or are delicate. By packing these yourself, you can protect both the tools and other items in your shipment. Consider wrapping sharp tools in old towels or bubble wrap and securing them with tape to prevent accidents. Delicate tools should be placed in a sturdy box with ample cushioning. Label the box clearly to ensure it is handled with care. By taking the time to pack these items yourself, you can ensure they arrive safely and are ready for use in your new garden.

11. Perishable Food Items

Avoid packing perishable food with the movers. Instead, transport these items yourself to ensure they stay fresh and reduce the risk of spillage. Plan your meals in advance and try to use up as much perishable food as possible before moving day. Store what remains in a cooler with ice packs for the journey. This method ensures that you minimize waste and keep your food safe for consumption. Handling perishable items yourself helps to maintain their quality and prevent potential messes during the move.

12. Basic Cleaning Supplies

Having basic cleaning supplies on hand can be very useful for last-minute touch-ups in your old home or preparing your new space. Keep these items accessible during the move. Include essentials like glass cleaner, multi-surface wipes, a broom and dustpan, and toilet paper. Bringing these items with you ensures that you can quickly address any messes or spills, allowing you to leave your old home in good condition and make your new one feel fresh and welcoming. Organizing your cleaning supplies in a caddy or bucket makes them easy to carry and helps you set up cleaning stations in your new home efficiently.